Understanding Outgoing SMTP Traffic Blocking

Q: Why is outgoing SMTP traffic blocked on TPC Cloud Solutions?

A: Due to a significant increase in the volume of spam and phishing emails being sent from our network, we’ve decided to block all outgoing SMTP traffic. This proactive measure is essential to maintain the integrity and reputation of our IP addresses and ensure the highest level of service availability for all TPC Hosting customers.

Q: How can I send emails with outgoing SMTP traffic blocked?

A: There are two available options for customers who need to send SMTP traffic:

  1. SMTP Relay Service: An SMTP Relay Service acts as an intermediary, forwarding your emails to the recipient’s email server, thus bypassing the SMTP traffic restrictions imposed on our network. Here are some popular SMTP relay services you can consider: 
  2. These services offer various plans, including free tiers, paid options, and different features to meet your specific email sending requirements.
  1. Contact TPC Hosting Support: Should you prefer not to use an SMTP relay service, you may submit a support ticket to us, providing your email address and stating your requirement to send SMTP traffic. You can submit a ticket at TPC Hosting Support. Our support team will then guide you through the process of enabling SMTP traffic for your account.

Q: Is there immediate assistance available for urgent SMTP sending needs?

A: For immediate support or to address any concerns, please contact our support team using the methods mentioned above. We are dedicated to providing timely assistance to ensure your business operations proceed without interruption.

Q: Will the blocking of SMTP traffic be permanent?

A: The blocking of outgoing SMTP traffic is a temporary but necessary measure to curb spam and phishing activities originating from our network. We will continue to evaluate and update our security protocols to balance between service accessibility and security. For future updates, please stay tuned to announcements from TPC Hosting.

Q: What happens if I do not choose an SMTP Relay Service or notify TPC Hosting?

A: Without using an SMTP Relay Service or getting approval from TPC Hosting, you will be unable to send emails through SMTP from the TPC Cloud Solutions platform. Receiving emails will not be affected.

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